Friday, February 24, 2012

Would hateful crimes ever come to an end? Do we have to go there? Really!?


Hate does not have to be an option or does it?

Please CONSIDER and think about this link below: 

As I stand though not in amazement but in a sense of bewilderment with an ounce of disgust and disappointment over a society which allows hate to continue no matter what the disguise behind the act. Hate is hate......such as sin is sin and panic is panic. I myself have lost a couple of dear friends to the acts of violence and hate. One was a heterosexual man whom was stabbed for his wallet and the other was transgender herself. As an ally of the community I am baffled at the onslaught of what some people might call appropriate but conducts unbecoming acts of behavior protected through loop holes under the mask of different criminal labels. 

So, a guy dresses like a woman and vice verse while some women even cross-dress also and for various reasons and then one crazy nut out of nowhere goes ahead and just because it rubs him or her with regards to their masculinity or femininity the wrong way they plainly go ahead, snap and just kill albeit in the name of God or some so-called panic mode or even plain outrage and hatefulness because of disgust. However, having it masked with inbreeding ignorance and hatefulness. It makes no sense for it is to me however, but plain criminal. 

Such acts of hate ought and should be reported by witnesses of such acts. Why can't some people take into consideration that for whatever reason being that any of them themselves would have a person laying on that floor or cold ground somewhere in whom might be their own respective child no matter the age and yet many would keep their mouths shut allowing many violent acts of hate to go unreported and unresolved because many people venture to think  that "it just won't happen to my child" or "it just won't happen to me" mindset" and or "I have to stay out of it because its not my concern."

Ignorance while not understanding as to why does indeed breed hate, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination because many of us no matter whom we are, what status quo and class of people we are and yet without warning rears its ugly head of violence if not careful to just calm down, think and if need be...just walk away before committing such an hateful crime of violence and hate. So would you not please CONSIDER? Thank you :-)

Would hateful crimes ever cease to exist? Do we have to go there? Really?!