Tuesday, January 07, 2014

A Better Year Ahead....and for you, too!

A Better Year Ahead!

To my wonderful dear friends. associates, colleagues and family: Reflections on New Years Week 2014

Oh what Spirit of Joy fills my heart, Oh thou Spirit of Peace, Love and Hope which allows your strains of calmness, comfort and solace to penetrate through the essence of my inner being and soul allowing the very essence of Gods love to flow through me and become my experience hoping it may be that of yours and theirs, too!

Let the light therefore shine to sing and pound to the beat of different drums.

What a year its been and what a ride as the year of 2013 got to the very core within me into looking at life from different angles to see what truly does matter, what truly does work and what I have to do in order to fulfill my life’s mission, its quest, if not, its assignment in life.

As year 2013 ends and announces the coming forth of New Year 2014, I do find myself reflecting more upon the events and circumstances with which has made its ugly head known not once, but a number of times throughout the year. The events that had occurred made it known without notice, and without much fanfare.

Twice this past year has the very essence of life and its transition into a new life beyond this sphere we call earth has looked right through me with its penetrating eye right down to the pit of my gut and soul as those of mine circles have lost both Marcia Boehm back in April and than Jack Calvin during this past Thanksgiving holiday.

During this year I had also lost my place of residence by being evicted due to the short sale of my former landlords very own residence which brought her down to wanting back her own place (my residence) making myself displaced in May causing me to sacrifice and give away most of my late parents belonging such as furnishings.

The event brought myself to move in with a so-called friend and then this past September 2013 she had done a complete 360 on me without being so warranted yet, causing me to become completely homeless at the time causing me to feel the very weight of my hearts soul with its burden bringing on another ‘dark night of the soul’ sort of speak and numbing myself from even beginning to feel its blessings in disguise due to my sadness and disappointment in people during year 2013.

The opportunities to practice patience were masked by my own fear, resentment, regret and lack of trust in some others. I learned quickly not to rely too much upon the very arm of flesh for a crutch to lean nor depend upon much from anyone.

However, I had failed greatly in looking, even practicing patience to even understand the very balm of its own Gideon being offered to me as though it was some olive branch of solace and comfort.

I have come to appreciate this pain of growth which I had undertaken. I have also come to appreciate life even more and became more grateful for even the ‘stranger’ that reached out to me even in my darkest of abyss, when the ones that have known me well had not remained on their camels riding right on by me leaving myself to die in some dessert per’se.

Because of this travel through this so called dessert I began to deeply appreciate life, in becoming more grateful for what I have, to honor and love what I have in those that are so close to me.

My emotions with that of my own spirituality had been refined through lengthening my stride through these trying challenges of time which caused stretching my very own rubber band even when the very own face I had to stare at would be that my very own in the mirror.

What I have provided myself because of its offerings had been that of the human touch, the very human feeling of the heart and its emotional face value. However in some measure no matter how large or small I have been learning how to find those pearls and gems in every single moment. It is the measuring stick of what is teaching me and what I have been gaining from.

I am learning to take in varied amounts of golden drops that speaks to me, that offers me droplets of new understanding and within my gaining and with all my getting…even that of sound wisdom.

If I am all that I think about, am I not all that I do think about and become? I ask myself:

Who am I NOW? What do I recognize and relate within the experience of the moment right NOW?

Where do I see myself going towards?

What of those of my own awareness and uniqueness with that of my own inadequateness and awkwardness?

Is there a way that I can contribute more in my life, and how can I make it as a Beautiful Token of Love and Appreciation for Others?

What special golden droplets of knowledge and learning from life can I grow and gain from?

So, some have asked what are my blessings and gifts.

These are they.

The very golden droplets of love and life are those of my Family and Friends in its blessings.

I am grateful for you as I am so appreciate that you have allowed me to share my own life with you and others.

Yes, even for a moment, or even that of a day or lifetime. They are what make the golden droplets of life itself.

I would hope that you and I make the new year of 2014 a positive and proactive Time for greater Changes.

For Forgiveness

A Year of Togetherness in Family & Friends and Loved Ones

A time for Renewal and Understanding

A Year for our greatest of all Golden Droplets…The very essence and Gift of Love for another and that of ourselves where Love, Joy, Hope and Charity –That is where Peace resides my dear loved ones, peace indeed.

Make peace with parting of the past in a positive light and welcome in the future with sense of new awareness and wonder along with a sense of renewal and oneness amongst ourselves individually and together.

Lets us remember that yesterday or yesteryear is the past, tomorrow into the future with its bewilderment is yet a mystery and today’s here and now is the very present…and that is why it’s a ‘GIFT Onto Us!’

May life in 2014 find you healthy and sound amongst all things. May you be happy, fulfilled and prosperous. May it also render to you peace, joy, love and great measures of Hope in all things!

With love to one and all this new year of 2014,

~Jennifer Elisabeth