Monday, January 07, 2013

The Essence of the Nurturing Woman....from Purrr to Roar - Part I

The Essence of the Nurturing Women...from Purr to Roar - Part I

Part I of an ongoing article series on "The Essence of the Nurturing Woman and other feminine issues by:

Jennifer Elisabeth Mendez,
JENN Media Group 

January 7, 2013
Detroit, MI - Through the ages the very innate question has always arisen as to whether femininity the very essence of femininity with its beauty and nature is a learned behavior through life or just merely applied through practice.

I really do believe that men are from Mars and women are from Venus but not literally speaking. Our natures with regards to men and women do differ greatly albeit genetically speaking of course.  I really do believe that we think and process differently. Our respective responses are different from men and as women we find the need to push for that sense of security. With regards to the stock-yard notion of thought that women are more from the garden floral haven whereas men and their masculinity are considered the aggressive and strong oak trees of natures very own ground.

When I look at the landscape of womanhood I see where my mother’s own generation of girls and woman were different and women back in those days were not ashamed to express their femininity for fear of suppression and having been put in their respective place sort of speak from their respective boyfriends, husbands or even the boys clubs. But when it came to the employment field the boys club had awaken within the woman her ability to stand up and fight albeit that of her femininity or not.  

Through out this last number of years my own generation of women has been educated to suppress their femininity because it was not somewhere along its lines and that in some fashion it would prohibit women and their fight to crack the class ceiling and to move ahead within a corporate structure. It has been acknowledged somehow that someone the “pink” who thought as the “blue” would go up the ladder quickly and prettier then her counterpart did in "bluesville haven" if he were to think even like the “pink.”

The arched stereotypes portraying women as a weaken vessel because of what she’s got between her legs and what she has on her shoulders has been needing to go for centuries. 

As women I believe that we can and ought to benefit from embracing our femaleness, or womanhood, without regard to politics, dogma or fashion or even shame for being whom we are: WOMEN!  Of course there are the men out there that would raise an eye brow that a woman’s femininity should not be used like some toy in attracting men, but it’s the men themselves we forget that are attracted to the very essence of women. But in those essences it’s the woman as onto a man that can turn it off or on as quickly as one bats an eye lash. But naturally doing so it is the essence of the female, the very woman as it were by her mere and very natural beauty couple with her feminine nature will aggressively, yet submissively and subtly attract the men.

But the question I have is if men should be the one defining women’s own femininity? Should he be the one laying out the rules for women’s own engagements? Their fashion sense? Should men be the one setting boundaries for women?

I myself feel as even thought men should not set such parameters for women, nor should they define what femininity is and what the role of the woman is. They may set some 'shared' guidelines but to set such parameters I would say is nothing but foul play in my playbook. To me as it has always been is that being feminine is the opposite of being masculine because everything has its opposite and its no difference when it boils down to the games men and women play and whom we are.

To me however I feel that its just as natural for a woman being feminine as it is naturally for a man being masculine himself. Gender traits however amongst various cultures lie at its own continuum’s door. These traits are affected by men and women’s respective cultures where men and women share many traits and values which for the most part affect one another.

In some societies its been known for a woman to be critical of her success and in which she strives to be rewarded in her work while a man for example may not be as competitive, yet being very aggressive and who steers clear of expressing any such nurturing feelings or placing them to the side unless he can be appreciated for doing so.

In some cultures its apparent that the man is the aggressive and dominant male where he’s respected and honored for being so whereas the woman is more of the subservient one whose honored and respected as a norm for being the humble female. The differing views of gender are that a man desires the woman and the woman also round about desires the man and the two of them create babies together which is NOT the case for many couples. 

Shall we break down some of these inner linings between a woman and a man?

Depending on the respective predisposition of most of not all women they are then by a majority factor naturally known for being nurturers let alone most often than not are the nurturing ones to their respective litter of children and their aging and ailing parents. Women by far are more affectionate and display a levy of compassion that most men find difficulty in expressing for appearing less masculine and weaken to his or their male counterparts and colleagues in society.

When it boils down to the essence of love both women and men have differing views on how to express love and how love is both accepted and delivered. Form little babies to young growing children being held, rocked and loved by an adoring and affectionate mother and having a resounding understanding as to why grown men in many essences have a yearning to be held by the loving embrace of their respective wives, girlfriends, mothers and lovers or partners. Is it any wonder why?

Most if not all men by most standards strongly crave the very melting touch of a woman albeit as natural as it may be. And don’t think for one minute those women in and of them do not mind bestowing those warm touches. Men crave a nurturing personality in a woman that if the thoughts of marriage does ring at a proposed altar  than that would charm true in hopes that perhaps she might be a good nurturing mother, too.

Stay tune for more on my report on "The Nurturing Essence of Women.”

~Jennifer Elisabeth

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