Tuesday, November 06, 2012

November 06, 2012 - This evening brings back memories because I.....

This picture was actually taken in 2008
 at an Obama/Biden Campaign
 election night victory party. 

I had just remembered a short while ago how just four years ago this evening I went with a couple of friends to the after parties and victory dances to celebrate history in the making. The very same man that my late father had said back in 2004 would become elected in 2008 was elected the nations first Non-Anglo African-American president.

But, this evening of November 06, 2012 I shall be staying put and off the streets to soak in whatever outcomes occurs this evening as they read the tallies pouring in. I will savor in tonight's moment just so two years from now I will become more involved in the political process and than again in four years even more participative so when there will not be a thing anyone can do and say to discourage or detour me.

Tonight is America's voice, tonight is her peoples breath from coast to coast voting their conscious in the selection process of a presidential candidate albeit a re-election of the current President or election of the 45th President of this United States of America. Tonight as it ought to be is:
AMERICA and her finest moment!

~Jennifer Elisabeth Mendez

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