Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sunday Dress is as Sunday Does!

Sunday Dress is as Sunday Does!

How much ‘past’ does your ‘future’ carry?

October 28, 2012

Sunday started out really sweet feeling deep within that today would be such a kind and gentle day.

I wanted it to be such a good day and so it was, but it was with none of my doing of course.
The fact that I had allowed it to be and yet accepted it with much reservation at first allowing to roll whatever happens to have happen at my old 'church ward' (a ward is a congregation with another meaning used as a Meeting House for Mormons/LDS members) in Roseville, however it would have been nice to have known a while back that my former stake president from my old stake of residence had been released from his tenure of service after some nine plus years; and I for one could not be more content and please over that release.

I had no idea, for I have been out of the loop on many issues and things pertaining to the Mormon church due to being excommunicated. It's along story but it does not portray me as some abomination nor church criminal.

I had started the day as usual with some musings from scrolling through Facebook and checking my email. I had not read my scriptures this day but had picked up on some pertinent thoughts at church which did stir up not only memories; but reasoning behind my values.

While sitting in the Gospel Doctrine School Class (a class for Mormon/LDS adults) it allowed me to pick up the following thoughts which caused me to ponder with much reflection during the remaining of the day:

“To be healed of the Savior we come and ask in humbleness as a child in gratitude to ask of the Savior for a blessing to be healed”

and while I was listening intently and reflecting on some areas of my life another area of thought came waving into my mind as a flash of soothing lightening in a rain storm as I wrote down in note format that;

“When our joy is full we become full in Christ, not just by filling up with bread sort of speak, but by leaning unto His word, His love which never leaves one empty whom truly loves and believes, so thirstily."

What also had occurred throughout the day today was that I have seen glimpses of my late spouse in the chapel and than afterwards in the Relief Society room; even though I have felt something of a mild touch of her hand onto my left shoulder as she had done prior so many times while in this life.

I had kept on thinking about time and its spanning into such a flicker of essence. Certainly I feel that God’s own time keeping management program with that of His own calendar are not anywhere near to those of any human calendar endeavor format; that alone mine.

Ever notice how the past does not equal that of any future?

I can’t continue to hold onto some racket regarding my life and its past by somehow bringing the past right into the future and than having the future become its past. My life and its journey is not some Michael J. Fox movie.

In scripture the very sages within the contents of the Bible have stated which “Eyes have not seen and ears have not yet heard” and yet points out to one very fact: “The future that comes with you is what you create and envision it to become.”

I am reminded when a former Mormon Church Bishop of mine from early 1980’s looked me right straight in the eye with compassion and with the clarity of a stern but loving tone in his voice had said, ”Don’t you know that you can write your own story? Don't you see that you can start here and now to write the very essence of your life’s story, for its no one else’s story, but yours, and do you have any idea how you can penetrate other people’s hearts with your story?” expressed the Bishop onto me.

I realize now as I have realized even then and I wasn't even ready that I myself have that very power to create my own story even more so with such a great future ahead with such a great and marvelous story yet to be unveiled as uniquely as mine and as I hold onto and embrace my destiny.

I have also realized lately that my past is the past and what I had gained from it are my learning experiences and its lessons from mistakes. It’s even more certain that I will fall many more times and scrape my knees and the palms of my hands than I could possibly phantom and even would need to get back on my feet to dust them off and than head towards that mark. I just have to keep my eyes laser focused sharp on the target and on what’s ahead for me as I continue to ‘sharpen the saw’ as taught by the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey; himself. 

Jennifer Elisabeth

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