Monday, December 31, 2012

Good By to Year 2012 and Hello to Year 2013! A Warm Welcoming.

Another year has flown right on by with the gusts of autumn having dissipated living most in the region where I reside the whirling winds and snow of winter’s scape. I have been reflecting this past week on year 2012 and the lessons I have learned from it. The ups and downs which had molded and shaped me into the woman I am today.

I have seen gains in 2012 but they were of the learning currency in my walk. Not the sort of flowing green currency I’m afraid, but I am breathing.

Towards the years end I had awaken to a realization of my own sense of vulnerability and wonder. I had begun to question a lot including those within my inner-circle and my friendships. I even began to question and ask myself if dating anyone again would be worth it, and would it be better to just remain single and be married to my work.

I know there is room for much improvement in my life a lot, and I have swallowed my pride enough to understand that I need to improve in certain areas to become a better person, a better woman and a good contributor to both my church community and society in general. And I have to take brash and bold steps in order to get there understanding and knowing all to well that nothing is never as easy nor do I expect it to be handed to me on a golden platter.

These last four months I had lost both my lover who was my best male friend along with a close female friend who also had betrayed me with him. Along with that issue I am also in the clutches of reorganizing my business and organization. There is never two ways about it when it comes to being betrayed and various friends show their true respective colors when you are down and out all the while reorganizing a business.

During these last few days it has brought me down to my knees figuratively speaking reflecting on my life and year 2012.

1.) Had I done all that I set sail out to do since January 1, 2012?
2.) Are there any areas I need to tend and pay better attention?
3.) Where were my growth and development focused on?
4.) Were there issues and situations I needed to turn my back on and walk away for the better?

Here are my some of my goals/plans for year 2013 which are to:

1.)    Move south of the M-59 line marker where there is more traffic within the circles and doings of my own life.
2.)  Work becomes and remains a mainstay with a ruthless aggressive mindset. I want to ensure that work is enthroned as a ruling principle in my life. I want to live and breathe success at every turn albeit spiritually, financially and physically. The end goal is to become both self-reliant and self-sufficient. My emotional, social and mental mindset along with development shall continue its process.
3.)    I want to ensure that my book is ready for publication autumn of 2013. The book has got to be juicy this time and is not holding anything back.
4.)  To rid myself of the stinkin’ thinking that I have carried for the last four months.   
5.)    In a healthy way I NOW have to DROP 75 pounds since I gained a few these last four months due to the personal crisis I had to deal with. The weight has been hampering my life with concern, not productivity wise or the potential for further productivity.  
6.)    Live life in such a way and manner that it is to be who I am and not the image of others. To be able to afford material goods that is right in price frugally and will not break the bank. Purchase a nice car when it warrants it, not beforehand just for appearance nor image sake.
7.)    To further learn, grow and develop by attending workshops, training classes and seminars to sharpen the saw.
8.)    Concentrate on my business endeavors and passive income streams.
9.)    Eliminate or dampen my ego issues by being more humble and finding my inner spiritual voice.
10.) Engage with my inner voice and my convictions.
11.) Continue to develop my public speaking skills and abilities while enhancing my speaking abilities further by committing myself to my Toastmasters club and its programs.

Life for me continues as I am sure it does for you to move forward, to be better and march onward for a better year ahead. One must push their shoulder to the wheel sort of speak as I have felt for many years, but life and its highways  in and of itself is always under construction and at sundry times under Reconstruction.

Am I any exception I ask of myself?

I carry my own cross which the Lord of my life had placed upon me under my own free will and choosing. But I know as I walk forward that I will need to seek Him more.

Thank you for reading and fond wishes for a blessed and prosperous 2013!

Be well my fellow readers and friends,

Jennifer Elisabeth (JET)

Thursday, November 08, 2012

November 8, 2012 - Ohio is as Ohio does:

November 8, 2012 - Ohio is as Ohio does: 

For whatever its worth I felt the innate feeling & need to post this:

>> <<

Just some things to think about as long as we are clear headed and open minded about where we are headed. Like the woman described in Connie Schultz's opinion article my own late father was also a 'factory rat' if it can be called that these days. 

He was a quality control and a materials handling engineer at one of the big three within the Detroit area and I for one was a proud daughter of mine father who had worked so hard to ensure that his wife and kids were provided for and that both the needs and wants of a household were dealt with. My father was by no means a muscled chisel man, nor was he some wealthy millionaire unlike some of mine uncles who were loaded with so much wealth in Cuba it could make some person's own head spin.

But he was a man of simple and humble means arriving from communist Cuba to provide my late mother and kids the freedom afforded no where else but here within the United States. I too had marveled at how my father worked hard but smart too at that plant. I marveled at how he functioned and moved around that plant with so much proficiency and it was because of pride either. It was because of earning that check that carried with is so many benefits at the time. 

Please take the time to read this article as you would another when possible with an open mindset. For nothing is ever accomplished, if seldom, with a closed mindset.

~Jennifer Mendez

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Day After - November 07, 2012


My heavens....oh MY goodness gracious angels alive....

Isn't it so utterly ridiculous when various people base their friendships and relations on politics and religion? It's so sad when friends decide they can't be friends because their slant is different than the other persons or their style of worship is different? What gives? What be up with that as some of my friends have stated. I am one that am not going to hold onto some friends because they are upset or just plain are angry because my ways are not theirs.

Many years ago I had lost some friends because I had become a Mormon back than and the friends I had than just could not deal with that carton of milk so they just balked. I get it, I understand it. But, was I to appease them? Was I to make them comfortable because they could not deal with my so-called wanting to be "Extraordinary" instead of just having to be "Ordinary"?

But look, I am not on this green and blue marble called earth for some beauty contest nor am I here for some Miss. Congeniality Pageant either.

I am here to be 'BOLD' and make a different in the world albeit locally, regionally, nationally or globally and just to stand out even if it means going beyond comfort zones and jump out of some boxes to express 'BOLDNESS' even if it means to be 'PREMIUM' than so be it because my sails will adjust.

Look, I am not going to change all my colors for you so eloquently expressed by Whitney Houston to Kevin Costner's character role in The Bodyguard and neither would I expect anyone to change their colors for me. However, what I do expect however is an essence of civility and with harmony in getting along and understanding that we are all different,  but it does not mean you have to go your way and I go mine. 

So, am I do feel that everyone has to accept my varying opinions and views? HELL NO! With that in mind I do not need to accept their opinions and views that much neither, but I do wish to understand where they are coming from so I can understand him or her that much better. I would want for them to understand whey I am coming with an open mind and an open heart so that the main emphasis in not based on whose political slant is right or wrong but that the main course is the furthering and fostering in developing worthwhile friendships along the path ways of life even onto potential business associates and colleagues and the fostering and emergence of like-minded individualities. So, can we all just get along? :-)

~ Jennifer Mendez

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

November 06, 2012 - This evening brings back memories because I.....

This picture was actually taken in 2008
 at an Obama/Biden Campaign
 election night victory party. 

I had just remembered a short while ago how just four years ago this evening I went with a couple of friends to the after parties and victory dances to celebrate history in the making. The very same man that my late father had said back in 2004 would become elected in 2008 was elected the nations first Non-Anglo African-American president.

But, this evening of November 06, 2012 I shall be staying put and off the streets to soak in whatever outcomes occurs this evening as they read the tallies pouring in. I will savor in tonight's moment just so two years from now I will become more involved in the political process and than again in four years even more participative so when there will not be a thing anyone can do and say to discourage or detour me.

Tonight is America's voice, tonight is her peoples breath from coast to coast voting their conscious in the selection process of a presidential candidate albeit a re-election of the current President or election of the 45th President of this United States of America. Tonight as it ought to be is:
AMERICA and her finest moment!

~Jennifer Elisabeth Mendez

Monday, November 05, 2012


November 05, 2012 -

I am not here to do my laundry nor wash or wash the dishes in my sink with anyone, and I really do not have to post this...for it’s of a more personal nature and perhaps I should have just email my friends when I am able to do so and within its timing would just be the right thing to do after all. But to those very close to me both near and afar while never-minding "the rest of you" whom are just as connected to me whom I know nothing personally nor hardly anything at all whatsoever, just bare this in mind:
A lot has been personally occurring within my own life lately from downturns to some bitter health hiccups sort to speak of even on down to some issues business-wise, however I will be alright and I understand all too well that “when one door closes, another door opens,” isn't that right?
I have to remember the teachings of the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey as he taught "First Things First."
Allow me to brief you up to date:
Last year at about this time my late spouse had taken a turn for the worse and ended up in the hospital where she had taken her very last breaths of her life's sojourn (it's what I consider her turn on earth and cancer had taken her). It had been a time where it wrenched me so much to the very core in which those events along with another one to follow had plummeted me right into a deep and darken depression with levels of despair and loneliness that no matter whom was present or even near me would not be to avail much in helping me at the time.
When she passed away...a huge chunk of my heart was laid to rest with her right along besides her. It had taken me nearly almost a year to get out of that cellar and crawl back from a deep well to where I am standing of off my knees onto my feet thanks to some well meaning and deserving friends (and they know whom they are) along with that of my godmother along with loving cousins I have been able to dig right out of this hole where I now feel better and life is renewed, and gradually becoming more rewarding to me.
It is something about the big picture that I know so deeply in the depth of my soul and belly which deals not only with this life nor its existence, but, whether that of another.
So, in order to "push my shoulder to the wheel" and move onward with the very business of my everyday life I had to just let my precious 'MJ' go to her rest beyond what I consider along with so many like onto myself of a similar leaning persuasion of faith as that very thin veil; (ever seen the television show entitled: The Ghost Whisperer; staring actress Jennifer Love-Hewitt? Yeah, something like that in some ways) known as the other side.
However, I had not for one reason or another wanted to let her go and did not even want to release her. I wanted to hold that power to hold her soul and spirit here near me and, I wanted to play that power. I was being so selfish and my understanding of what I have known so deeply even prior to her passing had become so clouded.
I knew eventually I had to do just that for which I have done prior to MJ’s passing for both that of my late mother and father in their respective transitions from their sojourns in this life, and believe me, there is not a day that would not go by where I just did not hurt so painfully that it wrenched me so deeply that it burned as if a flaming sword had pierced my heart and soul.
MJ had indeed been my best friend and my very soul mate on this earth and for the most part still is even in death. While in our relationship some others just could not leave well-enough alone in which they just went ahead to interfere (the monster-in-law and her tribe) and would always get their very wet noses right into our personal affairs of life and relationship when they needed not to be there in the very first place. 
Why they just could not mind their own affairs which would have been the proper thing to do. After all they just never understood what "the whole picture" is as both MJ and I have understood. Not even members of our church quite got that picture; but that is not my concerned regarding them.
What I understand now and do grasp is that I just have to change my ways in many areas of my life and walk with my Creator now, and for that I am very grateful. I have come to an understanding that even a social media portal such as Facebook itself is not the end of all things and it’s not the main arena of interest in my life.
I have friends, family, other loved ones and a company that needs my sincere dire attention with laser zoned in focus. However this shall be the last of what I state publicly in various forums such as these, for I feel that my life and sojourn in many ways is a private affair and it shall go of radar when time sees fit from portals such as Facebook and any other such portals; and it shall be conducted under a time fitting that of my own pleasure and choosing. 
I just have a need to feel safe.

Thank you for your time along with your sincere reading and understanding.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sunday Dress is as Sunday Does!

Sunday Dress is as Sunday Does!

How much ‘past’ does your ‘future’ carry?

October 28, 2012

Sunday started out really sweet feeling deep within that today would be such a kind and gentle day.

I wanted it to be such a good day and so it was, but it was with none of my doing of course.
The fact that I had allowed it to be and yet accepted it with much reservation at first allowing to roll whatever happens to have happen at my old 'church ward' (a ward is a congregation with another meaning used as a Meeting House for Mormons/LDS members) in Roseville, however it would have been nice to have known a while back that my former stake president from my old stake of residence had been released from his tenure of service after some nine plus years; and I for one could not be more content and please over that release.

I had no idea, for I have been out of the loop on many issues and things pertaining to the Mormon church due to being excommunicated. It's along story but it does not portray me as some abomination nor church criminal.

I had started the day as usual with some musings from scrolling through Facebook and checking my email. I had not read my scriptures this day but had picked up on some pertinent thoughts at church which did stir up not only memories; but reasoning behind my values.

While sitting in the Gospel Doctrine School Class (a class for Mormon/LDS adults) it allowed me to pick up the following thoughts which caused me to ponder with much reflection during the remaining of the day:

“To be healed of the Savior we come and ask in humbleness as a child in gratitude to ask of the Savior for a blessing to be healed”

and while I was listening intently and reflecting on some areas of my life another area of thought came waving into my mind as a flash of soothing lightening in a rain storm as I wrote down in note format that;

“When our joy is full we become full in Christ, not just by filling up with bread sort of speak, but by leaning unto His word, His love which never leaves one empty whom truly loves and believes, so thirstily."

What also had occurred throughout the day today was that I have seen glimpses of my late spouse in the chapel and than afterwards in the Relief Society room; even though I have felt something of a mild touch of her hand onto my left shoulder as she had done prior so many times while in this life.

I had kept on thinking about time and its spanning into such a flicker of essence. Certainly I feel that God’s own time keeping management program with that of His own calendar are not anywhere near to those of any human calendar endeavor format; that alone mine.

Ever notice how the past does not equal that of any future?

I can’t continue to hold onto some racket regarding my life and its past by somehow bringing the past right into the future and than having the future become its past. My life and its journey is not some Michael J. Fox movie.

In scripture the very sages within the contents of the Bible have stated which “Eyes have not seen and ears have not yet heard” and yet points out to one very fact: “The future that comes with you is what you create and envision it to become.”

I am reminded when a former Mormon Church Bishop of mine from early 1980’s looked me right straight in the eye with compassion and with the clarity of a stern but loving tone in his voice had said, ”Don’t you know that you can write your own story? Don't you see that you can start here and now to write the very essence of your life’s story, for its no one else’s story, but yours, and do you have any idea how you can penetrate other people’s hearts with your story?” expressed the Bishop onto me.

I realize now as I have realized even then and I wasn't even ready that I myself have that very power to create my own story even more so with such a great future ahead with such a great and marvelous story yet to be unveiled as uniquely as mine and as I hold onto and embrace my destiny.

I have also realized lately that my past is the past and what I had gained from it are my learning experiences and its lessons from mistakes. It’s even more certain that I will fall many more times and scrape my knees and the palms of my hands than I could possibly phantom and even would need to get back on my feet to dust them off and than head towards that mark. I just have to keep my eyes laser focused sharp on the target and on what’s ahead for me as I continue to ‘sharpen the saw’ as taught by the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey; himself. 

Jennifer Elisabeth

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Singer Andy Williams dies at 84 after battle with cancer

Singer Andy Williams dies at 84 after battle with cancer

I can still remember as a child listening to that majestic voice of Sir Andy Williams. What a golden tone, what savory. I also can remember singing to many of his tunes growing up and as my parents and I watched his show featuring so many of the world's music elite of that era and generation and of whom would down the road became instrumental giants in today's entertainment circles. He instilled in so many an embodiment of innocence for so many with his wonderful and clear voice and talented music. I personally at this time send forth my sincere condolences and sympathies to the Williams clan that they may be blessed with an aura of peace, comfort, solace and calmness during these days of mourning and grieve. ~Jennifer Elisabeth Trinidad

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Dark Nights of the Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life's OrdealsDark Nights of the Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life's Ordeals by Thomas  Moore

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In many areas a very provocative and penetrating writ in its thought process. I am delighted so far with some of the the contents of this book with which the author expresses his thoughts based on years worth of experience as a therapist and prior to that as a monk. It was not the sort of book I had would have expected at first, but it allowed me the opportunity to do some deep penetrating and reflective thought process with regards to my own well-being and my own "Dark Nights of The Soul." ~Jennifer Elisabeth Trinidad (JET)

View all my reviews

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Saturday, Jul 28, 2012 - "And when the dawn had come and her night had passed me by I am reminded of someone’s question as to why I went ahead when I just could not look back into life's rear-view mirror"! ~JET from: "Why Me, Why Now?" an excerpt from “a life's bumpy road” by Jennifer Elisabeth Trinidad. (c) 2011 JENN Media Group
                                          Heal Ourselves, Heal the World. Author / Graphic Artist unknown.

Jul 31, 2012 - While I was somewhat engrossed in last evenings Olympics Games from London, England I had viewed an airing of an commercial featuring Gold Medalist swimmer Ryan Lochte which prompted me to think that nothing is always as as it seems, but yet the rewards could be outstanding if even I would make that swim out to London per'se. How many of us are willing to take that swim and embrace the arduous tasks individually ahead of each one us? ~Jennifer Elisabeth Trinidad

PHOTO: Volcano Sunset- Guatemala,  Courtesy of


Friday, February 24, 2012

Would hateful crimes ever come to an end? Do we have to go there? Really!?


Hate does not have to be an option or does it?

Please CONSIDER and think about this link below: 

As I stand though not in amazement but in a sense of bewilderment with an ounce of disgust and disappointment over a society which allows hate to continue no matter what the disguise behind the act. Hate is hate......such as sin is sin and panic is panic. I myself have lost a couple of dear friends to the acts of violence and hate. One was a heterosexual man whom was stabbed for his wallet and the other was transgender herself. As an ally of the community I am baffled at the onslaught of what some people might call appropriate but conducts unbecoming acts of behavior protected through loop holes under the mask of different criminal labels. 

So, a guy dresses like a woman and vice verse while some women even cross-dress also and for various reasons and then one crazy nut out of nowhere goes ahead and just because it rubs him or her with regards to their masculinity or femininity the wrong way they plainly go ahead, snap and just kill albeit in the name of God or some so-called panic mode or even plain outrage and hatefulness because of disgust. However, having it masked with inbreeding ignorance and hatefulness. It makes no sense for it is to me however, but plain criminal. 

Such acts of hate ought and should be reported by witnesses of such acts. Why can't some people take into consideration that for whatever reason being that any of them themselves would have a person laying on that floor or cold ground somewhere in whom might be their own respective child no matter the age and yet many would keep their mouths shut allowing many violent acts of hate to go unreported and unresolved because many people venture to think  that "it just won't happen to my child" or "it just won't happen to me" mindset" and or "I have to stay out of it because its not my concern."

Ignorance while not understanding as to why does indeed breed hate, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination because many of us no matter whom we are, what status quo and class of people we are and yet without warning rears its ugly head of violence if not careful to just calm down, think and if need be...just walk away before committing such an hateful crime of violence and hate. So would you not please CONSIDER? Thank you :-)

Would hateful crimes ever cease to exist? Do we have to go there? Really?!